Sorry it took me so long to join in. It's been a busy week. Let's see...

We got a couple heaping gobs of foreshadowing for next season, starting with Hiro's trip back in time to see the Japanese warlord who originally wielded his cool sword. Unclear what his power is, but "inducing eclipses" seems pretty weak as a power for a badass warlord. This trip is clearly a big part of Hiro learning to become hardcore with his sword. Meanwhile, in the future, the "tracking system" girl clued us into next season's presumed bad-guy, even worse than Sylar: "he sees me when I look for him." Also, we have the bloody trail of what looks like the body of Sylar being dragged into a manhole cover. By whom? Dunno. Finally, we're left with a stack of "so, did he die or not?" questions: D.L., Parkman, and Nathan. Sylar is presumably very, very dead. Quoth Beeman's Blog: "Some of the characters you have come to know and love, in fact, DID die last night."

Presumably, another big theme of the next season will be telling us the story of the previous generation of heroes, including Linderman, Momma Petrelli, and so on. This will also presumably include the as-yet unseen big creepy dude.


Forget about Peter being lame and unable to control himself. He's always lame. Sylar was the really lame guy. The only power he used in the grand finale was his telekinesis. He's collected powers all damn season. He can melt metal to slag (e.g., Hiro's blade). He can freeze things. He didn't do any of that, even though he knew where he was going and that it was the climactic moment.